Tanya is 11 years old, she lives in a picturesque village in the Zhytomyr region. The girl does not sit still: sewing club, basketball, theater, aerobics. Calm and talented girl.
In November last year, Tanya fell ill. She was treated for pneumonia for a long time. At the Zhytomyr Regional Children's Hospital, the child was punctured with 700 ml of fluid. But the next day the pictures were disappointing again. Tanya installed pleural drainage.
And at the end of December, the girl had a CT scan with a contrast solution and was stunned by a terrible diagnosis — the child has lymphoma...
The next morning the girl was again waiting for surgery, anesthesia, sternal puncture.
On December 27, 2021, Tanya and her mother went to 'Okhmatdyt' in Kyiv. And again another operation, thoracoscopy, thoracotomy and biopsy.
When the girl was transferred to the intensive care unit on January 6, Tanya could no longer walk on her own. At night she was connected to the first unit of 'chemistry'. Tanechka took this test too hard.
The girl has a long-term treatment ahead. Already now Tanya has to take many tests, take a bunch of maintenance medication. Behind the shoulders of the child are two blocks of chemotherapy, now Tanya is recovering.
Examinations and medications are very expensive. But without them, the girl will not have a chance to escape from a terrible disease! She can't handle it if you don't support her! Every hryvnia of your help is important!
ame: Denisyuk Tetyana
Date of birth: 21.11.2010
Diagnosis: Primary mediastinal diffuse B-cell lymphoma. Stage III (with lesions of the heart, pericardium, lung parenchyma, pleura, diaphragm, kidneys). Polyserositis. Thrombosis of the left brachiocephalic, internal jugular and subclavian veins.
The purpose of the project: to raise UAH 70,000 for the purchase of maintenance drugs and to pay for laboratory tests
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