Yaroslav is 7 years old. He likes to do crafts, sculpt from plasticine and paint. Now this is the boy's only entertainment. After all, you don't drive the ball in the hospital. Insidious cancer took away football from a boy...
Leukemia, as always, crept unnoticed. First there was a suspicious pimple on one leg, then on the other. Yaroslav underwent surgery, but there was no improvement. Doctors suggested that the child had erysipelas — an infectious inflammation of the skin. Appropriate treatment was prescribed. And for a while it seemed that the disease had receded.
However, in August last year, blood test results dropped significantly. In Dobropillya, Donetsk region, Yaroslav received a blood transfusion. And in a few days an ambulance brought the boy to the Dnipro hematology. It was here that the family first heard about the terrible diagnosis.
Now Yaroslavchik needs intensive treatment. All his internal organs suffer from 'chemistry'. Supportive therapy is needed, which lacks public funding. The family begs for everyone's help! Without the support of caring people, Yaroslav will not overcome blood cancer...
Name: Protsenko Yaroslav
Date of birth: April 16, 2014
Diagnosis: Myelodysplastic syndrome with an increased number of blasts. Acute myeloid leukemia
The purpose of the project: to raise UAH 70,000 for the purchase of maintenance drugs and to pay for laboratory tests
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