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The 48th day of the war is coming to an end. We are getting used to a new reality that was not our choice, step by step. And we are gradually forgetting that our help is as important as it was the first day!

The military forces on the front lines and in the defense are waiting for your support. They need overalls and shoes, ammunition and military equipment.

Financial resources are not inexhaustible. However, the current needs of our soldiers are constantly updated. We encourage partners to join the fundraising!

Let's stand together for our victory! Everything will be Ukraine!

Yulia Burdylenko was finally operated on!

The child needed a complex and expensive surgery on the spine.

In the meantime, the wards of the Exchange continue to diligently acquire new skills at planned rehabilitation courses

Just now in rehabilitation centers are:

We share good news about Vadym Yatsenko!

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