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From ancient times the embroidered shirt was considered a magic garment. Each ornament and color had its own meaning and magical power. For example, the red spiral was depicted to protect against evil forces, and the purple or navy blue spiral sharpened intuition and strengthened the connection with ancestors.

Now, during the war, the real talisman for our defenders is modern equipment, bulletproof vests, helmets and other protection garment. With its help, the Ukrainian military will soon overcome the evil!

Don't stay away! Each of us can protect the soldiers and bring the Ukrainian victory closer! Follow the link and support the Armed Forces and territorial defense!

Yulia Burdylenko was finally operated on!

The child needed a complex and expensive surgery on the spine.

In the meantime, the wards of the Exchange continue to diligently acquire new skills at planned rehabilitation courses

Just now in rehabilitation centers are:

We share good news about Vadym Yatsenko!

11-річний підопічний Біржі Благодійності «ДоброДій» отримав довгоочікуваний ортез!

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