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It is hard to realize that more than a year has passed since the full-scale invasion of the russian occupation forces into Ukraine. All this time, the country and we, together with it, are in a state of permanent struggle for survival and Victory!

One of the main missions of the Charity Exchange "DobroDiy" today is to continue to comprehensively support Ukrainian defenders. Together with our partners, we do everything possible to help the Ukrainian army.

At the same time, we do not stop working in directions that have been a priority throughout the existence of the Exchange — support for children with difficult diagnoses and basic medical institutions.

In this publication, we summarize the work for the last 12 months and for February 2023 in particular. In 1 year, thanks to the joint efforts of all partners, we provided assistance, which is estimated at 90,800,000 UAH in total! Namely:

  • Armed Forces — by UAH 67 million
  • hospitals — by UAH 6.8 million.
  • seriously ill children - by UAH 4.3 million
  • provided humanitarian aid with a total cost of UAH 12.7 million.

During February, in collaboration with Concord bank, Concord Fintech Solutions and other partners of the Charity Exchange "DobroDiy" provided assistance valued at UAH 5.6 million.

Various units of the Armed Forces received assistance in the amount of UAH 4 million.

Details about reports and transfers to the military can be found using the hashtag #доброЗСУ

Basic hospitals received assistance in the amount of UAH 1.2 million.

In February, we helped 18 children with difficult diagnoses: we purchased medicines, valuable consumables, paid for important laboratory tests and rehabilitation courses for a total of UAH 0.3 million.

Provided humanitarian aid with a total cost of UAH 0.1 million.

Thanks to the partners of the Exchange! Together we are able to unite into an invincible force that supports Ukraine both at the front and in the rear!

Yulia Burdylenko was finally operated on!

The child needed a complex and expensive surgery on the spine.

In the meantime, the wards of the Exchange continue to diligently acquire new skills at planned rehabilitation courses

Just now in rehabilitation centers are:

We share good news about Vadym Yatsenko!

11-річний підопічний Біржі Благодійності «ДоброДій» отримав довгоочікуваний ортез!

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