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We hasten to share another piece of good news about our young wards! 4-year-old Denys Sikorsky with difficult diagnoses finally received a special multifunctional wheelchair "Hoggi Zip"!

Denys Sikorsky has been fighting for life and health since birth. The boy has a number of difficult diagnoses — an unbalanced chromosomal pathology and a congenital malformation of the brain.

Due to a chromosomal pathology, the boy was born with extra toes, cryptorchidism. It was also necessary to remove inguinal hernias. After being treated for epilepsy, Denys began working out with physical therapy specialists, visiting a massage room, swimming pool, sensory rooms, and hippotherapy sessions.

Thanks to a systematic approach, the little patient acquires new skills and gradually catches up with his peers. Currently, Denys does not sit, crawl or walk on his own, but he is able to hold his head and gesticulate purposefully. The boy has not yet learned to speak, but he makes sounds.

The child spends a lot of time in a special chair. Denys moves exclusively in a wheelchair. Due to the incorrect angle of the seat, which could not be adjusted, the boy began to develop scoliosis. According to the orthopedist, if you continue to use the usual wheelchair, the condition of the spine will worsen.

The doctors recommended the “Hoggi Zip” wheelchair. Only this wheelchair matches perfectly for a child. Without him, Denys's health will deteriorate significantly. Thanks to the support of benefactors, we managed to collect half of the cost of the chair! The other half of the costs was taken over by the Social Security Administration.

Denys has already received a wheelchair and now it will be much easier for him to deal with the consequences of difficult diagnoses! We are grateful to everyone who joined the fundraising!

Yulia Burdylenko was finally operated on!

The child needed a complex and expensive surgery on the spine.

In the meantime, the wards of the Exchange continue to diligently acquire new skills at planned rehabilitation courses

Just now in rehabilitation centers are:

We share good news about Vadym Yatsenko!

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