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​We are in a hurry to share fantastic news!

We are in a hurry to share fantastic news! 16-year-old Sofia Norokha, a ward of the Charity Exchange “DobroDiy”, received the long-awaited and powerful hearing aids worth UAH 212,431, which are so necessary for a full life!

Sofia Norokha is a talented and purposeful high school student, thirsty for knowledge and self-development. Parents are happy about their daughter's remarkable success in studies, because the girl has been like this since early childhood. However, at the age of 5, she faced serious trials and health problems for the first time. Sofia has sensorineural deafness.

Thanks to new, modern, super-powerful hearing aids, the girl's life will not sink into silence, and Sofia will be able to continue to enjoy her childhood and please her parents with new successes and achievements.

We are grateful to everyone who participated in this important fundraising project!

Yulia Burdylenko was finally operated on!

The child needed a complex and expensive surgery on the spine.

In the meantime, the wards of the Exchange continue to diligently acquire new skills at planned rehabilitation courses

Just now in rehabilitation centers are:

We share good news about Vadym Yatsenko!

11-річний підопічний Біржі Благодійності «ДоброДій» отримав довгоочікуваний ортез!

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