The balance of unused funds in the amount of UAH 8,132 was reallocated to the Lobachova Sasha project.
The boy is 2,9 years old. He is so active and happy. Just look at this smiling face!
Unfortunately, Danya has not heard from birth. Like his parents. At home, they communicate with gestures. Yes, little Danya already knows sign language!
When the boy was 1 month old, like thunder in the clear sky, he was diagnosed with complete deafness in both ears. However, 2 years later, after a routine check-up, the diagnosis was corrected and hope emerged. After all, Danya could hear, talk, be like everyone else with modern devices.
However, the cost of hearing aids is very high. It will take years for the family to raise the required amount on their own. And Danya wants to hear today! It is so important — to socialize the child as soon as possible!
Please help Danechka to plunge into the world of sounds, to feel 100% happy childhood! Without you, the boy has no chance of a full life!
Name: Yakubovskyi Daniil
Date of birth: April 7, 2019
Diagnosis: Bilateral sensorineural deafness on the right, deafness IV degree left
The purpose of the project: to raise UAH 81,320 for the purchase of hearing aids
Якубовський Даня отримав слухові апарати! Ура!
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