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​Yakubovskyi Danya received hearing aids! Hooray!

Now the child's life will be filled with sounds!

Danya is almost 3 years, it is a time of active development. And now with SA boy to be heard, talk, be friends and live life to the fullest!

And all this thanks to you, our benefactors! 40 people came together to help Danya. Thank you for being with us!

P. S. Danya is so puzzled in the photo, the boy clearly did not expect that such a diverse world of sounds awaits him!

Yulia Burdylenko was finally operated on!

The child needed a complex and expensive surgery on the spine.

In the meantime, the wards of the Exchange continue to diligently acquire new skills at planned rehabilitation courses

Just now in rehabilitation centers are:

We share good news about Vadym Yatsenko!

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