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Charity Exchange "DobroDiy" is 9 years old! Although, the last one and a half years in Ukraine could be counted as three or more. Also, if it is customary to talk about achievements on the birthday, our main achievement during the last extremely difficult period is that we not only continued to keep the order and work fully, but also scaled, increasing the amount of aid provided 17 times!

During the 9 years of our existence, we had successfully implemented more than 1,750 projects, which are estimated for more than UAH 148 million!
Charitable assistance in various formats was received by:

  • various military units of Armed Forces of Ukraine - for UAH 85.4 million;
  • ill children with severe diagnoses - for UAH 34.3 million;
  • basic hospitals and medical institutions - for UAH 14.3 million;
  • recipients of humanitarian aid - for UAH 13.3 million;
  • social initiatives and cultural projects - for more than UAH 0.7 million.

Today we confidently turn the calendar, opening a new page on the way to our first big anniversary. Thanks to all our partners with whom we are walking this path together: ConcordBank, Concord Fintech Solutions, CreditPlus, SlonCredit, PRoector and many others. We are also grateful to every donor who at least once joined our current fundraisings! You are our anchorage!

And finally - about our secret. And the secret is that we don't have any secrets. Apart from the fact that any achievements are worth almost nothing if they are done without a soul. The soul of our organization is its founders, Olena and Yulia Sosedka, women with a special view of the world, who change it for the better every minute. And this is not an allegory, because they are the flagships and main ambassadors of those ideas on which we rely in our work.

We accept gifts, as usual, on the website! Join us! Doing good things together is more interesting, more efficient and much more pleasant. Truly yours, Charity Exchange "DobroDiy"!

9 years in numbers, statistics, infographics and the brightest moments of work, captured in memorable frames.

You're welcomed to watch!

Yulia Burdylenko was finally operated on!

The child needed a complex and expensive surgery on the spine.

In the meantime, the wards of the Exchange continue to diligently acquire new skills at planned rehabilitation courses

Just now in rehabilitation centers are:

We share good news about Vadym Yatsenko!

11-річний підопічний Біржі Благодійності «ДоброДій» отримав довгоочікуваний ортез!

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