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​November 13 - World Kindness Day

Yes, for many, kindness is a human character trait and a philosophical category. For us at the Charity Exchange "DobroDiy", kindness is the foundation on which our activity is based, the core of our concept and, if you will, the main "product".

So, Kindness Day for us is every day in the working calendar. But why shouldn’t we let November 13 be an additional reminder and a great reason for all our friends, partners and simply those who care, who seek to show Kindness and generate a certain amount of Good on this day, that you should not wait for a better opportunity? Kindness must be sincere, decisive, and if the situation requires it - impulsive!

In the darkest times for Ukraine, when it seems that good is lacking, we have to create it with our own hands. This is also about taking care of yourself and loved ones; animals and nature; the country and its integrity; those who now guard its borders; those who are least protected and need support right now...

Today you can celebrate the World Day of Kindness in a special way by becoming a benefactor on our website: Sharing kindness is not difficult at all, and at the same time, it is good for your mental health and improves your karma! Join the fundraising project for the needs of seriously ill children who really hope for your support! Become an ambassador of goodness and make this cool autumn day warmer with your good deeds!

ЯЛИНКА ДОБРА: Твоя можливість створити диво!

Друзі, цього року вже традиційний новорічний благодійний проєкт «Ялинка Добра» від Біржі Благодійності «ДоброДій» знову дарує можливість допомогти важкохворим дітям!...


During the Christmas and New Year holidays, we always want our dreams to come true. Especially when they are childhood...


Друзі, попри те, що у благодійності немає вихідних і перерв, ми переконані: навіть ті, хто присвячує себе допомозі іншим, мають...

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