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Children with severe diagnoses have started classes since the first days of January

The new 2024 year has begun with active rehabilitation measures for our young wards. Children with severe diagnoses have started classes since the first days of January! Currently, there are 5 little patients in rehabilitation centers who are fighting for their own healthy future.

Thus, 7-year-old Dmytro Shevchenko with epiactivity and 5-year-old Timofiy Golubev with autism are taking classes at the Center for restoring physical functions of a Child "Samotuzhka Plus".

3-year-old Stefania Verba with cerebral palsy and 4-year-old Artem Kurochka with spastic diplegia work with the specialists of the "Rostok Zhyttya" center.

And 8-year-old Stepan Temlyakivskyi, who has autism, is taking a course at the “Victoria” Child Rehabilitation Center.

We are glad that, with your support, we were able to help the children get to the scheduled classes with specialists, which they needed so much.

Meanwhile, many of our other young wards with serious diagnoses are just now waiting for support and help. We call on everyone who cares to contribute to saving the young generation of Ukrainians! You can go to the link and join the permanent fundraising for payment of medical services and treatment of small patients —

Yulia Burdylenko was finally operated on!

The child needed a complex and expensive surgery on the spine.

In the meantime, the wards of the Exchange continue to diligently acquire new skills at planned rehabilitation courses

Just now in rehabilitation centers are:

We share good news about Vadym Yatsenko!

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