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Ukraine faces the harsh war realities every day. The horrors and injustices of war are reaping a new harvest of human casualties, and the lists of the wounded and the dead are constantly replenished. Unfortunately, the war takes away most of the resources, including attention to important things at all times. First of all it is a question of health of children.

The Charity Exchange DobroDiy, in cooperation with our regular partners, Credit Plus, makes every effort to ensure that children with serious illnesses are not left alone with their problems. Especially during the war.

Last week, Credit Plus transferred UAH 70,000 to the exchange's projects! These funds have become a real salvation for children with cancer who now need to receive intensive therapy and urgent care!

13-year-old Leyla Nasibova will be able to continue treatment for leukemia. Now the girl is taking "dry chemistry" at home and is struggling with side effects of cancer.

Also, thanks to the funds transferred by Credit Plus, we managed to close the project aimed at helping 3-year-old Rostyk Grydasov. The boy is currently in hospital. His therapy is complicated because of a combination of complex diagnoses - Down syndrome and leukemia.

Today, children are provided with the necessary medication and can continue the prescribed courses of treatment! We are grateful to our partners for invaluable help to seriously ill children in these difficult times!

Yulia Burdylenko was finally operated on!

The child needed a complex and expensive surgery on the spine.

In the meantime, the wards of the Exchange continue to diligently acquire new skills at planned rehabilitation courses

Just now in rehabilitation centers are:

We share good news about Vadym Yatsenko!

11-річний підопічний Біржі Благодійності «ДоброДій» отримав довгоочікуваний ортез!

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